Free 30 Minute Session
For one of your residents who could benefit from LindiMoo Moosic™ (first 20 requests only)
I'm so glad to have shared "Moosic" sessions with the residents of over 150 communities over the 10 years. Recently I've done a few smaller sessions with shut-ins, folks with depression caused by covid, and those in hospice. I found that the "Moosic" sessions with these individuals had an amazing and positive effect on their mooooods and brought smiles to their faces. It was even more effective when their families joined in the session whether it was a Zoom session or in-person.
I'm offering your community 1 free 30 minute ZOOM session with one of your residents who could use it most, whether they are depressed, shut-in, in hospice, or just not able to leave their room very often. If they have family members who can join in on the zoom session, it will be even more effective and fun. This Zoom session includes:
Fun familiar music
Participation (clapping, yee-hawing, music trivia)
Song requests from resident and family members
Requests for this free session are open for a limited time and will close off when 20 requests are received. Fill out the form below to place your request.
I'm looking forward to moocho smiles with your chosen resident.
With Love,